Citristrip is a popular paint and varnish stripper that is used to remove old paint and finish from wood furniture, cabinets, and other surfaces. It is a relatively safe and easy-to-use product, but it is important to use it correctly. One of the most important things to remember is that Citristrip must stay wet in order to work. If it dries, it will no longer be effective at removing paint or finish. This content is presented by

What Happens When Citristrip Dries?

When Citristrip dries, it becomes a hard, gummy substance that is difficult to remove. It can also become brittle and flake off, leaving behind a mess. In addition, dried Citristrip can be harmful to your skin and lungs if it is not handled properly. Explore citristrip paste vs gel.

What Happens If Citristrip Dries?

What Should You Do If Citristrip Dries?

If Citristrip dries on a surface, you will need to take steps to remove it. The best way to do this will depend on the severity of the problem.

  • If the Citristrip is only partially dry, you may be able to reactivate it by wetting it down with a spray bottle. Once it is wet, you can continue to strip the paint or finish as usual.
  • If the Citristrip is completely dry, you will need to use a solvent to dissolve it. Mineral spirits or paint thinner are two common solvents that can be used to remove Citristrip. Be sure to wear gloves and goggles when working with solvents, and ventilate the area well.
  • If the Citristrip is difficult to remove, you may need to sand it off. This is a messy and time-consuming process, but it is the only way to completely remove dried Citristrip.

How to Prevent Citristrip from Drying

To prevent Citristrip from drying, you can follow these tips:

  • Apply the Citristrip in a thin layer. This will help it to stay wet longer.
  • Cover the Citristrip with plastic wrap or a tarp to prevent it from drying out.
  • Check the Citristrip regularly and reapply it if it starts to dry.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area. This will help to prevent the Citristrip from fumes from building up.


Citristrip is a safe and effective paint and varnish stripper when used correctly. However, it is important to remember that it must stay wet in order to work. If it dries, it will become a hard, gummy substance that is difficult to remove. Be sure to follow the tips in this article to prevent Citristrip from drying and to remove it safely if it does dry. Is contract grade furniture good or bad? Contract grade furniture is typically made with higher quality materials and is designed to withstand more wear and tear than residential furniture. It is often more expensive, but it can be a good investment if you need furniture that will last for many years.


  1. What are the dangers of using Citristrip?

Citristrip is a relatively safe product when used correctly. However, it can be harmful to your skin and lungs if it is not handled properly. It is important to wear gloves and goggles when working with Citristrip, and to ventilate the area well.

  1. How long can Citristrip stay wet?

Citristrip can stay wet for up to 24 hours. However, it is best to reapply it every 6-8 hours to ensure that it is effective.

  1. What can I use to remove Citristrip?

You can use mineral spirits or paint thinner to dissolve Citristrip. Be sure to wear gloves and goggles when working with solvents, and ventilate the area well.

  1. How do I sand off Citristrip?

You can sand off Citristrip using a medium-grit sandpaper. Be sure to wear a dust mask to protect your lungs from the sanding dust.

  1. What is the best way to prevent Citristrip from drying?

The best way to prevent Citristrip from drying is to apply it in a thin layer and cover it with plastic wrap or a tarp. You should also check the Citristrip regularly and reapply it if it starts to dry.