Rollers for indoor cycling are essential equipment for bike training and exercise. The rollers come in various designs and prices, offering resistance for different types of bikes.

When it comes to choosing the right rollers, factors such as stability, resistance, and ease of use should be considered. Additionally, understanding how to ride on rollers properly is crucial for effective training and safety. Indoor cycling is a popular way to stay fit and improve cycling performance.

Rollers for Indoor Cycling


Using rollers for indoor cycling offers an effective workout that simulates the feel of riding a bike outdoors, making them a superb choice for rollers for cycling training. These devices come with adjustable resistance, enabling cyclists to customize their training sessions to suit their individual needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cyclist, understanding how to ride on rollers is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of your indoor cycling routine. 

In this guide, we will explore the benefits of using rollers for cycling training and provide practical tips for selecting and utilizing the right rollers to meet your training requirements. From improving balance and pedal efficiency to enhancing overall cycling performance, rollers present a unique and challenging way to enrich your indoor cycling experience.

Benefits Of Rollers For Indoor Cycling

Rollers offer a range of benefits, making them a valuable tool for indoor cycling enthusiasts. Not only do they provide an efficient way to stay fit and train during unfavorable weather conditions, but they also contribute to enhancing key aspects of cycling performance. Let’s explore the advantages in detail:

Improved Pedaling Form

Elevating your indoor cycling experience, rollers prompt improved pedaling form. The dynamic nature of rollers necessitates consistent, smooth pedaling, which helps cyclists in refining their technique and pedaling efficiency.

Increased Core Stability

Engaging with rollers demands increased core stability. Maintaining balance on the rollers necessitates core engagement, ultimately enhancing overall stability and strength, which is crucial for a powerful and stable riding position.

Enhanced Balance And Coordination

Rollers also contribute to enhanced balance and coordination. Balancing on rollers challenges the rider’s coordination and helps in developing better bike handling skills which can be beneficial for both indoor and outdoor rides.

Top-rated Roller Options

Garmin Tacx Antares Rollers

When it comes to indoor cycling, the Garmin Tacx Antares Rollers are a top-rated option. These rollers provide a smooth and natural riding experience, allowing cyclists to improve their balance and pedaling technique.

Rockbros Adjustable Bike Trainer Stand

Another highly-rated choice is the Rockbros Adjustable Bike Trainer Stand. This foldable indoor cycling bicycle roller comes with resistance for both MTB and road bike exercises, offering a versatile and convenient training option.

Wahoo Kickr Rollr Bike Resistance Trainer

The Wahoo KICKR ROLLR Bike Resistance Trainer is a premium roller option designed for cycling enthusiasts seeking advanced features. With its smart resistance technology, this trainer provides an immersive indoor cycling experience.

How To Ride On Rollers

Rollers for indoor cycling are a great way to improve your cycling skills and maintain fitness during the off-season. Riding on rollers may seem intimidating at first, but with the right technique and practice, you’ll quickly get the hang of it. In this guide, we’ll break down the basics of riding on rollers, including the necessary setup, gearing, and cadence, as well as how to get on and stop effectively.

Basic Setup

Before hopping on your rollers, it’s important to ensure they are set up correctly. Follow these steps:

  1. Place the rollers on a flat, stable surface.
  2. Adjust the roller distance according to your bike’s wheelbase for stability.
  3. Double-check that the rollers are parallel to each other.
  4. Position yourself in front of the rollers with your bike nearby.

Gearing And Cadence

Choosing the right gear and maintaining the right cadence is crucial for a smooth and efficient ride on rollers. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Start in an easy gear, typically a small chainring and a middle cassette cog.
  • Aim for a cadence between 85-95 revolutions per minute (RPM).
  • Focus on maintaining a consistent and smooth pedal stroke.
  • Gradually increase the resistance as you get more comfortable.

Getting On

Mounting your bike on rollers may feel challenging initially, but with practice, it becomes second nature. Here’s a step-by-step guide for getting on:

  1. Position yourself to the side of the rollers, holding onto a stable object for balance.
  2. Swing your leg over the saddle and get seated on the bike.
  3. Place one foot on a roller, positioning it in the middle for stability.
  4. Push off with your foot and start pedaling gently to maintain balance.

Increase Cadence

Once you’re comfortable riding on the rollers, you can start increasing your cadence to challenge your fitness and improve your technique. Follow these tips:

  • Gradually increase your cadence by 5 RPM at a time.
  • Focus on maintaining a smooth and controlled pedal stroke.
  • Engage your core muscles to stay stable and balanced.
  • Avoid sudden changes in cadence to prevent losing balance.

How To Stop

Stopping on rollers is a skill that requires practice. Here’s how to come to a controlled stop:

  • Shift into an easier gear to reduce resistance.
  • Gradually decrease your cadence while maintaining balance.
  • Once your cadence slows down, gently apply the brakes to come to a complete stop.

By following these tips and practicing regularly, you’ll become more confident and proficient in riding on rollers. Remember to always prioritize safety and start with shorter sessions until you’re comfortable with longer rides. Happy riding!

Tips And Tricks For Riding On Rollers

Tips And Tricks For Riding On Rollers

Welcome to the world of indoor cycling with rollers! Riding on rollers can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. To make your ride smoother and more enjoyable, here are some essential tips and tricks for mastering the art of riding on rollers.

Keep Hands On The Flat Of The Bar

Ensure stability and control by keeping your hands on the flat part of the handlebar while riding on rollers. This position helps you maintain balance and navigate smoothly.

Speed & Hand Positions

Adjust your speed to match the resistance and stay in control of your ride. Experiment with different hand positions to find the most comfortable and efficient grip for your indoor cycling session.

Comparing Different Roller Brands

When choosing indoor cycling rollers, it’s essential to consider various brands to find the best fit for your needs. Let’s explore three popular roller brands:

Elite Arion Roller

The Elite Arion Rollers offer a smooth and quiet ride, perfect for indoor training sessions.

Saris Aluminum Rollers

Saris Aluminum Rollers are known for their durable construction and stability, providing a secure platform for intense cycling workouts.

Cycleops Aluminum Rollers

Cycleops Aluminum Rollers combine reliability with performance, ensuring a consistent riding experience for cyclists of all levels.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Rollers For Indoor Cycling

Are Rollers Good For Indoor Cycling?

Yes, rollers are good for indoor cycling as they provide a challenging workout and help improve balance and technique.

Can Cycling Rollers Be A Good Workout?

Cycling rollers can provide an effective workout, enhancing balance, technique, and pedal efficiency. They also engage core muscles and improve overall cycling performance.

How Do You Use Rollers When Cycling?

To use rollers when cycling, set up your bike, start pedaling slowly, maintain balance, and increase cadence gradually. Keep your hands on the handlebar flat, and practice speed and hand positions for better control. Additionally, remember to stay focused and keep pedaling to stay on the rollers.

Is It Hard To Ride A Bike On Rollers?

Riding a bike on rollers is not hard. It requires basic setup, getting on and off, and using gears. Rollers offer benefits for indoor cycling and are still effective.


Rollers for indoor cycling provide a highly effective and versatile training option for cyclists of all levels. With their ability to mimic outdoor riding conditions and improve balance and stability, rollers offer a unique workout experience. By using the tips and techniques outlined in this blog post, riders can maximize their indoor cycling sessions and reap the benefits of this old-school but still highly effective training tool.

So, whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just starting, consider incorporating rollers into your indoor cycling routine for an engaging and challenging workout.