Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Clash Royale and start a new game? Whether you’re a beginner or just looking for a refresher, this guide will walk you through the process step by step. From setting up your account to battling opponents and building your deck, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started! This content is presented by

Download and Install Clash Royale

Before you can embark on your Clash Royale journey, you need to download and install the game. Head over to your app store, whether it’s the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and search for “Clash Royale.” Once you find it, hit the install button and let the magic begin.

Launch the Game and Sign In

Once the installation is complete, tap on the Clash Royale icon to launch the game. If you already have a Supercell ID, you can sign in with your existing account. If not, you’ll need to create a new account. Explore more about clash royale multiple accounts android.

Complete the Tutorial

Clash Royale has a helpful tutorial that guides you through the basics of gameplay. Follow the instructions to learn how to deploy troops, attack enemy towers, and defend against opponents. The tutorial is designed to make sure you start off on the right foot.

Unlock and Explore Arenas

As you progress in Clash Royale, you’ll unlock different arenas with unique challenges and rewards. Each arena presents a new set of opponents and strategies, so be prepared to adapt your tactics as you climb the ranks.

Build Your Deck

Your deck is your arsenal in Clash Royale, so it’s crucial to build a balanced and effective set of cards. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for your playstyle. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each card and how they complement one another.

Join a Clan

Clans are a central part of Clash Royale’s community. Joining a clan allows you to request cards, participate in clan wars, and share strategies with fellow members. It’s a great way to connect with other players and enhance your gaming experience.

Participate in Challenges and Tournaments

Clash Royale regularly offers challenges and tournaments where you can test your skills against other players. These events often come with unique rules and restrictions, so be ready to adapt your deck and strategy accordingly.

Manage Your Resources

In Clash Royale, you’ll earn gold and gems through gameplay. These resources are essential for upgrading cards and unlocking chests. Make sure to manage your resources wisely to ensure steady progression.

Complete Daily Quests and AchievementsHow to Start a New Game on Clash Royale

Daily quests and achievements provide additional rewards and incentives to keep playing. They offer challenges that range from winning a certain number of battles to achieving specific in-game milestones.

Stay Updated on Balance Changes

Clash Royale is a dynamic game that undergoes regular balance changes to ensure fair and enjoyable gameplay. Stay informed about these changes to adapt your deck and strategies accordingly.


Starting a new game on Clash Royale is an exhilarating journey filled with battles, challenges, and camaraderie. By following these steps and immersing yourself in the world of Clash Royale, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled and formidable player.


  1. Can I play Clash Royale on multiple devices?

Yes, you can link your game progress to different devices using a Supercell ID.

  1. Are there in-app purchases in Clash Royale?

Yes, the game offers in-app purchases for various in-game items and resources.

  1. How do I level up my cards?

You can level up cards by collecting and spending the required number of cards and gold.

  1. What are legendary cards, and how do I get them?

Legendary cards are powerful and rare cards that can significantly impact your gameplay. They can be obtained from chests or purchased from the shop.

  1. Can I play Clash Royale offline?

No, Clash Royale requires an internet connection to play as it involves real-time multiplayer battles.