So, you’re all set to dive into the gaming world, ready to embark on epic adventures on your trusty PS4. You’ve got your snacks ready, your controller charged, and your excitement levels through the roof. But then, just as you’re about to download that eagerly anticipated game, an ominous message pops up: “An error has occurred while downloading a game.” Frustration sets in, and you’re left wondering what went wrong. Don’t worry, though – we’ve got your back. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to troubleshoot and fix this pesky issue so you can get back to gaming nirvana. This article is managed by

Check Your Network Connection

If you’re experiencing issues downloading content on your PS4, it could be due to a variety of factors. One common problem is a shaky or interrupted network connection. To avoid this issue, make sure that your PS4 is properly connected to the internet. If you’re using Wi-Fi, consider switching to a wired connection for more stability. However, if you receive the message a serious error has occurred in the system software ps4, you may need to seek additional support to resolve the issue.

Check Your Network Connection

Free Up Storage Space

Is your PS4’s hard drive bursting at the seams? Insufficient storage space can hinder downloads. Clear out unnecessary games or files to make room for your new game.

Pause and Resume the Download

Sometimes, a simple pause and resume can work wonders. Head to the “Downloads” section on your PS4 and try pausing, then resuming the download to kick-start the process.

Restart Your PS4

A classic troubleshooting step – restart your PS4. This can help resolve temporary glitches and give your system a fresh start.

Update System Software

Outdated system software can lead to compatibility issues. Ensure your PS4’s firmware is up to date to avoid any potential roadblocks.

Check PlayStation Network Status

Is the PlayStation Network undergoing maintenance? A quick check of the PSN status page can give you insights into any ongoing issues.

Try Downloading in Safe Mode

Booting your PS4 in safe mode disables unnecessary functions and can often solve stubborn errors. Give it a shot and see if the download progresses smoothly.

Clear Cache

Cached data can sometimes interfere with downloads. Clear the cache on your PS4 and try the download again.

Rebuild Database

Rebuilding the PS4’s database can address various performance issues. It’s a more advanced step, but it might just do the trick.

Check for Game-Specific Solutions

Is the issue specific to the game you’re trying to download? Check online forums or the game’s official support for tailored solutions.


Gaming should be about thrills, not technical headaches. By following these steps, you can bid farewell to the dreaded ‘error has occurred while downloading a game’ message on your PS4. Looking for more entertainment? Discover how you can watch movies for free and enhance your leisure time. Get ready to conquer new worlds and immerse yourself in epic adventures – the way gaming was meant to be.


Q1: Can I fix this issue without losing my game data?

A: Yes, most solutions presented here won’t affect your game data.

Q2: Why does my network connection matter for downloads?

A: A stable network connection ensures uninterrupted downloads without errors.

Q3: Will rebuilding the database delete any of my games?

A: No, rebuilding the database shouldn’t delete your games, but it’s always wise to have backups.

Q4: What if the problem persists even after trying these solutions?

A: If the issue continues, you might want to contact PlayStation support for more advanced troubleshooting.

Q5: Can I prevent download errors in the future?

A: Regularly updating system software and keeping an eye on your network connection can significantly reduce the chances of download errors.