The number of male persons with low testosterone has tripled over the past years. Hypogonadism may be the outcome if testosterone levels go low because of improper functioning tests or a tumor on the pituitary gland. Testosterone is a hormone which is produced in testicles and in the ovaries in women. The sex hormone goes up during adolescent and early adult stage. The testosterone levels in men start to reduce when they reach the age of 30. Research shows that about 40% of men who are above 45 years of age have abnormally low testosterone levels. There are symptoms of these low levels of testosterone and they include:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low sex drive
  • Decrease in body hair
  • Decrease in muscle mass

You have to consult your doctor when you see either of these symptoms occurring to you. The doctor can test your  if they think they are low. A testosterone test is done to measure the level of testosterone in your blood. There are specific times of the day on which the test should happen. The test is often done between 7 am and 10 am because the hormone levels are highest at this time.

You can apply a number of lifestyle changes to help in boosting the levels of testosterone. Resistance exercise and loss of weight are two changes that can lead to increase in testosterone levels. But these increases tend to be a bit higher in younger men than older men. Several exercises such as cardiovascular exercise can really help in the increase in testosterone levels because of weight loss. This applies mostly for people with obesity. There are several ways to improve the testosterone levels.

How do testosterone boosters improve testosterone levels?

There are types of herbal testosterone supplements which have been of a great impact in helping improve the testosterone levels. These supplements are called testosterone boosters. They help in boosting the testosterone hormone levels in the body. Low levels of testosterones in the body may cause certain medical conditions. These testosterone supplements can solve these medical issues such as sexual dysfunction and bone growth issues. They also help a lot when it comes to boosting muscle mass. These boosters have both advantages and disadvantages.

What are the advantages of testosterone boosters?

  • They help in bone growth
  • They help in regulating depression
  • The boost metabolism which in turn leads to reduced fat
  • The booster can really help men with problems of erectile dysfunction and impotency
  • They can improve sex drive and increase the libido
  • They help in boosting stamina
  • They are good in making workouts more effective
  • They are able to take large rate of proteins in the body
  • They are good in boosting the muscle mass

What are the disadvantages of testosterone boosters?

  • There is a possibility of liver damage
  • They can lead to baldness
  • They can also cause problems to urination
  • Too much intake can to production of acne
  • Can lead to enlargement of the prostate
  • Can lead to unwanted growth of hair in the body for women

How can food improve the testosterone levels?

There is a variety of foods that are able to help you restore and regulate the testosterone levels in the body. Ensuring that you eat adequate foods that are rich in zinc and vitamin D is very important. They will really help in keeping normal testosterone levels. Eating foods like shellfish, oysters, beef, beans, tuna, fortified cereals and egg yolks will be a great idea for you. Garlic has also been confirmed to be one of the foods that really improve the testosterone levels.

How does replacement testosterone therapy help in boosting testosterone levels?

Testosterone replacement therapy is a kind of therapy that is applied when treating people who have abnormally low levels of testosterone. These abnormally low testosterone levels always hinder some of the body functions. They can cause effects such as low sex drive, reduced muscle mass, stress, reduced libido, amongst others. Testosterone medication has to be prescribed for this treatment. The medication comes in form of testosterone pills and patches. There is also a liquid that you have to inject into your body and you can also be given a gel to apply to your skin. All these can help increase the testosterone levels of your body in different ways and can lead to decrease in symptoms of low testosterone levels. One of the most common forms of replacement therapy is testosterone injections. These are given by a doctor and you are prescribed with them less frequently than the other forms of increasing testosterone levels.

If you may also want to use natural ways to boost your testosterone levels, there are certain things you should do. First of all, you have to get adequate sleep. Prioritize your sleep and make sure to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours per night. You should also make sure to keep a healthy weight. Having overweight can lead to low testosterone levels. Always make sure to also stay active as testosterone usually adapts to your body’s amount of needs. If you are a person who rests most of the time, then you are prone to having low testosterone levels. But also do not involve yourself in high endurance exercises. This is because they may also lead to low levels of testosterone. Walk for at least 10 or 20 minutes a day and also try visiting the gym for some little workouts.